2 min read
If you’re sensible about it, you could live on cash loans
Let’s face it, most people are in financial dire straits, and cash loans are one of the mechanisms they use...
et’s face it, most people are in financial dire straits, and cash loans are one of the mechanisms they use to try and get through life’s many financial obstacles. And while nobody wants to live in debt, the reality is that many people have very few alternatives outside of acquiring credit or cash loans.
Yet, if utilized sensibly one could actually live on cash loans until one has the capacity to work towards financial freedom. But until that time comes, the aim should be working out how deep your financial hole is. Once that’s determined then you can limit your spending to the basics, with the intention of freeing up the cash loan that you get in order to use it towards cancelling debt. Now obviously taking out a cash loan means having to pay it back thus creating more debt for yourself, but if you can limit your spending incrementally as you pour in the cash loan fund towards paying off debt, then you would gradually be debt free including free of the debt from the cash loans you used to pay off the original debt.
It’s a practice that would take immense discipline in order to pull off because essentially one would have to commit to living below ones means for a time until one is finally debt free. But using cash loans as a bridge between indebtedness and financial freedom is a legitimate option.