Vintage Pattern
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If you’re not tech savvy, stay away from Samsung Galaxy S6

If you’re anything like me, you’d be well advised to stay away from the Samsung Galaxy S6. Not because it’s...

I f you’re anything like me, you’d be well advised to stay away from the Samsung Galaxy S6. Not because it’s inferior to any other uber technologically advanced smartphone, but because the non-tech savvy part of you is frightened even at the thought of having to learn the ins and outs of one more gadget. You’re not alone. I’m woefully exhausted by the unceasing twists and turns driven by the ever changing machine that is modern day technology. Yes, I said it. I’m done for. In fact I was done for even before the engine started charging full steam ahead, for the only thing I could ever bring myself to get a hang of on my first ever mobile phone was texting and making calls. And there is where all effort ceased. With every new tech development that ushered in phones smarter than their predecessors, the mandate remained, bother yourself with learning how to make calls and send text messages only. So really it’s very little surprise that the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy S6 has me vehemently uninterested in the smarts displayed by the phone at a touch of one button or a few. Years of steering clear of the mobile phone development path has me thoroughly tech unsavvy and highly disconnected from even the prospect of being bothered to get better acquainted with everything a smartphone can offer me.