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How to get rid of toe nail fungus

If your toenail changes color or shape, and turns brittle or crumbly or, on the contrary, thickens, then chances are...

I f your toenail changes color or shape, and turns brittle or crumbly or, on the contrary, thickens, then chances are that you are suffering from toenail fungus. Also called onychomycosis, this is a difficult condition to treat as the fungus, the microorganism growing on your skin, is protected by the nail it is attacking. But what are the causes of nail fungus? Fungi are microorganisms that need no light and little air to survive and instead thrive in humid environments. Pools, for example, are a perfect place for fungi and a good practice would be to always wear rubber thongs when in a swimming pool, shower or changing room, or even in a spa. But that is not all. Recent studies have demonstrated that toenail fungal infections can be caused also by conditions such as bad blood circulation, genetics, and bad habits as well as an imbalance in the body’s pH. Bad habits can also bring on fungal infections – wearing footwear that is too tight, for example, or too much exercise all at once which can stress the toe are causes of toenail fungus. Yet how to get rid of it? If you catch it in time and the infection is not severe you can choose whether to go with traditional or alternative medicine. If you prefer the former, then there are many over-the-counter ointments and creams that you can apply topically. If, on the other hand, you would like to turn to alternative medicine, a great remedy is to soak your feet in warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then, after drying your feet carefully (and do not forget the area between your toes), apply tea tree oil to the affected nail and possibly to the one closest to it as a preventive measure as tea tree oil’s antibacterial properties can fight fungal infection. This should be done at least once a day, and up to three times per day for more severe cases. Another useful oil against toenail fungus is snakeroot extract, which comes from the same plant family as sunflower, and should be applied every other day for the first month and lower the rate of the three-month treatment first to twice a week and finally to once a week. If the condition is quite severe, however, and home remedies do not work you should see your doctor. A professional can in fact prescribe oral antifungal drugs that fight the infection from the inside, medicated nail cream or medicated nail polish. In the worst cases, however, your doctor might suggest surgery to remove the nail altogether. This, while drastic, will allow you to correctly treat the toenail fungus on the skin which will now be no longer protected by the nail itself. This should grow back within a year. [photo:]