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How to buy a wedding dress online

The internet has changed nearly everything about our lives.  The total sum of all of humanities knowledge is at our...

T he internet has changed nearly everything about our lives.  The total sum of all of humanities knowledge is at our fingertips, we can communicate instantly with nearly anyone on the planet, and we can have nearly anything shipped to our door within a few days. One of the things we can order is of course wedding dresses. But, how exactly do you order a wedding dress online? Know Your Measurements Naturally, if you want it to fit you're going on have to know your measurements.  The three you're going to need are your bust, waist, and hips. Know the Return Policy It's of course impossible to know exactly how something is going to look on you before you try it on.  Know the Return policy of wherever you order from so you don't get stuck with something you don't want. Don't Think you Have to Pay a Lot Most people have it stuck in their heads that you have to pay a lot for something for it to be nice.  This may have been true at one point, but in a world of increasing globalization, that's simply not always the case.  Now it's possible to order directly from the manufacturer and avoid paying the massive markup stores generally charge.  So don't be afraid to give that really cheap dress a try (so long as you know the site has a good return policy of course).  You can spend the money you've saved on the honeymoon or put it towards the down payment on a house. Give Yourself Time For some sites it can take up to a year to get the dress to you.  So make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Find a Good Seamstress Like with any craftsperson, it's truly amazing what a good seamstress can do with a dress.  Be sure to shop around and find a good one.  Google, or word of mouth are often the best resources.