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How Free Internet Speed Tests are Valuable

Using the internet speed tester requires you to press the test speed button first. Both the upload and download speeds...

U sing the internet speed tester requires you to press the test speed button first. Both the upload and download speeds will be checked. The best time to test your internet speed is during a single week where you are meant to do it severally. Make sure that you conduct the tests during high peak and off peak moments. It is important to observe these times. Furthermore, these tests are 100% accurate on a desktop PC. The speed tests on laptops, tablets and mobile devices has not been confirmed to be very accurate since some limitations come with these devices. To further increase the accuracy of the internet tests, you may have to connect your computer to a router network cable. This should be done before you run any tests. The first thing would be to make a formal complain about the broadband speeds. There is a high likelihood that your ISP is breeching contract when your internet speeds are continually lower than you expected. Since you are expected to prove that there have been interruptions, keeping a diary can help you prove beyond any reasonable doubt. It is advisable to take a picture of the free internet speed test as shown from your checker every time you run the tests. Starting by reporting to your service provider is one of the solutions you can opt for. However, there are a few steps that when followed can help resolve the speed connection issue. In fact, changing your router or removing it can make a major difference of improving these speeds. It is important therefore to know how to choose the tester. Take advantage of the free internet speed tests available online especially because you do not have to pay anything for them.