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Home internet providers should tout price more aggressively

It seems more and more that home internet providers are providing a service whose main option may be obsolete. Many...

I t seems more and more that home internet providers are providing a service whose main option may be obsolete. Many people access the internet primarily via their mobile phones and/or in their workplace. Granted, there is a sizeable number who also access the internet via their home lines, but this is usually in conjunction with mobile phone internet. Yet, there’s probably a better incentive for most people to have a home internet service compared to a mobile one. Price. It is considerably cheaper to purchase a home internet package than it is for a mobile one; with the cheapest package of the former being generally cheaper than the cheapest package of the latter. At a time when many are financially strapped people are looking for good deals that make financial sense everywhere they can. This would be the best incentive to offer consumers in order to steer them in the direction of the financially prudent option of a home internet service. Having choices is the best way that a healthy consumer culture thrives, and consumers can only know about those choices when they are ‘spelled out’ for them. Home internet providers should thus spell out the important feature of affordability of home internet services so consumers utilize their choices effectively.