2 min read
HIV Medication: Get The Facts
Upon diagnosis of HIV, there are many things to consider before starting treatment. Developing a positive attitude is the first...
pon diagnosis of HIV, there are many things to consider before starting treatment. Developing a positive attitude is the first thing. Discuss with your healthcare provider the best type of drugs for you. The purpose of taking this medication is to lower your viral load to undetectable levels. This in turn improves the state of your immune system by allowing your CD4 count to rise. Taking Antiretrovirals reduces the risk of transmitting HIV hence improving your quality of life. Adherence is also an important factor to consider in achieving the best results. The best time to start is immediately upon diagnosis. Before starting treatment, you must take a number of tests that will be used to monitor your progress and determine the effectiveness of your treatment regime when compared to future tests.
The best health care provider is preferably one who focuses mostly on HIV care. There are many (AIDS Service Organizations). You can also check with the American Academy of HIV medicine (AAHIVM).Health insurance is good for people living with HIV. Insurance covers some of the costs of prescription drugs, including Antiretrovirals. You can get insurance by working for someone who provides it or buy an individual insurance plan from an insurance carrier.
There are also public health insurance programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Persons living with HIV who need help paying for HIV drugs may qualify for medication coverage through their state assistance program. Overall, having a private or public doctor does not matter as much as making sure your health care provider is qualified and has lots of experience when it comes to HIV treatment and management. Secondly, most of the ARVS provided in private are same as those used in the public sector and the same guidelines apply to both sectors.