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Google's $50 Million Investment for Workers

Employment and the nature of work available in the industry is changing fast. With new developments coming every day, the...

E mployment and the nature of work available in the industry is changing fast. With new developments coming every day, the employment sector as we know it today will probably be completely different in 10 years’ time. Google is now doing its bit to help people slowly adjust to the changing environment. About a month back, Google announced a $50 million initiative dedicated to helping people prepare for the change. The initiatives under this includes "Google For Jobs" to help people connect to an ideal job for them, training courses to prepare job-seekers and collaborations with various similar organisations. Google For Jobs is a recent venture by Google which helps people find the jobs best suiting their profile using machine learning. This initiative will be furthered by collaborations with other initiatives having the same cause, like Code for America. The changing nature of jobs these days requires everyone to be permanent students, to keep themselves updated and be on their toes always. According to a survey, only 8% of all the American high school graduates have the skills necessary for college or a job. This is an alarmingly low number, and even among this 8%, most fail to remain updated. A part of the $50 million will go towards researching how to make training all-encompassing and continuous. Another major problem is that the people in low-wage jobs, the backbone of any community like janitors, health aides, etc. face poor working conditions and economic insecurity. A part of Google’s initiative will fund a venture, Alia which will pool money from domestic workers. This will be done by charging them small monthly fee, and use it for their betterment.