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Google +

The people who have Google accounts can quickly activate their Google + accounts. The account appears in a typical social...

T he people who have Google accounts can quickly activate their Google + accounts. The account appears in a typical social media account at first. However, the account has additional features distinguishing it from the likes of Facebook and Twitter. A Google Plus account does not rely on your contacts to post live feeds. Instead, the account has feeds of the things that interest you. The aim of Google + is to help you make new contacts and not rely on those you have alone. Connecting with people is made possible and easy with Google + communities. The communities can be separated using circles so as to avoid you mixing information. You can have different circles for things like work, news, cooking and any other interests you have. Google Plus has a feature that allows you to manage the content displayed in the community settings. Unlike other social media sites, Google Plus does not feature ads. Instead of ads, Google + finds ways to add helpful information to it. Android app developers can share their views as well as get new ideas on how to improve their devices. Google Plus is a great place to market yourself as there are no limits to the number of people you can reach out to. Those individuals who like sharing pictures can share the same on Google plus. You can also share youtube videos and watch the ones already shared. Filling your profile makes you accessible to the world, and you can change the privacy settings to limit the number of people you want to access your information in accordance to your interests. You can also have video calls with people in your hangouts and start discussions on different forums. Google + is an interactive social network that can be used by everyone and anywhere. It improves communication and allows people to fully expplore their potential in their areas of interest. [Photo:]