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Galaxy Note 8 vs Galaxy S8 – Which Samsung smartphone is the best and which should you buy?

Undecided about whether to buy the Galaxy Note 8 or the Galaxy S8? We are here to help you out...

U ndecided about whether to buy the Galaxy Note 8 or the Galaxy S8? We are here to help you out Description: If you don't know whether to buy the Galaxy Note 8 or the Galaxy S8, we have some useful information to help you decide which one to choose. The world of smartphones is a fast-paced one which is why it's impossible for most people to keep up with the latest news. However, you most probably are aware of the fact Samsung has recently launched two amazing phones: the Galaxy Note 8 and the Galaxy S8. If you would like to know what are the differences between them in order to know which one you should buy, you just need to read on. Size does matter when it comes to your smartphone and Samsung knows that. If you buy the Galaxy Note 8 you will have a 6.3-inch display while you can choose two different versions of the Galaxy S8: the standard one which comes with a 5.8-inch screen and the Galaxy S8+ which has a 6.2-inch display. And if you like your smartphone to be as fast as possible you are going to love the 6GB of memory RAM the Galaxy Note 8 comes with. However, the Galaxy S8 also has a cool 4GB RAM memory which will allow you to do anything you want. The camera on the Galaxy Note 8 is superior since it's a dual one, but the battery life of both phones is pretty similar. However, the prices are not: expect to pay about £869 for the Galaxy Note 8 and about £689 for the Galaxy S8.