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Free Internet Speed Test: check the speed

Internet users and broadband subscribers around the world want to have the fastest internet connections for their use. Slow Internet...

I nternet users and broadband subscribers around the world want to have the fastest internet connections for their use. Slow Internet speeds are irritating. They need to get value for the money spent for their subscriptions. One useful speed testing site is It is easy to use by any person, gives the ability of testing internet speeds around the world, and a person can also save and share results of the speed test. When using the above site, it first seeks to determine the actual location of the person. This is by getting the actual IP address given to the person by their different internet service providers. The place that appears is a big yellow spinning star. It is on a world map with other small blue pyramids and stars. These are locations of internet for testing the speed test. To get the best results, it is advisable to check several servers for better selection. It is time-saving. The location that has the lowest ping time gives the most accurate speed test results and is very fast. By definition, a ping is a very simple test. It works by measuring round-trip time of the packets that are sent from one local host computer device to another remotely located computer machine. From the site, a link is given automatically to determine the location that has the lowest ping time as a person is doing a test. It is a free test that produces letter grades between grades A to grade F that is usually determined by the quality of their internet connections. It was worth noting the place the server is located to come to it a do a speed test for the city. Free Internet Speed Test should be carried out regularly to know the server location that gives the most reliable results. A person should also compare their internet speed with that of other people around too.