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For grand hotels Park Central New York is the ultimate location

For grand hotels Park Central New York is the ultimate location. In what is arguably the most recognisable city on...

F or grand hotels Park Central New York is the ultimate location. In what is arguably the most recognisable city on the planet given the branding machine at work 24 hours to position said city as such, one cannot go wrong when looking to experience the proverbial big apple in shameless luxury and indulgent decadence. Not only is one sure to find the grandest hotels on offer in New York City, but one is also guaranteed to be spoilt for choice with the multitudes of highly rated hotels within the vicinity of the largest man-made park in the world. And isn’t that one of the main attractions for throngs of tourists from around the world hoping to get their bite of the big apple? Sure there’s Times Square, tourist mecca par excellence; Broadway, that most famous of theatre hubs, nay, the nucleus of thespian existence; and the seemingly inexhaustible list of famed skyscrapers, neighbourhoods, restaurants, places of interest, museums et al. But the park that seems an almost permanent feature in all feature films and TV shows shot on location in the city, provides all tourists with their very own piece of New York City; just for having laid foot there. Yet with grand hotels located right in the heart of this quintessential New York City experience, one is guaranteed to have more than a piece of the city, but the entire vicinity just outside the hotel doors. Only grand hotels Park Central New York can offer this not soon to be forgotten part of New York.