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Finding the Right Lawyer After an 18 Wheeler Accident

If you have been in an accident involving an 18 wheeler, you may need a lawyer. Anytime someone with an...

I f you have been in an accident involving an 18 wheeler, you may need a lawyer. Anytime someone with an 18 wheeler is negligent the consequences can be dire. Large trucks can do quite a bit of damage especially if misused. When a driver is at fault in an 18 wheeler accident, the company that hired them is also liable. Many drivers work for shipping companies so if you have extensive damages you can sue the company and get the compensation you deserve.

What to do First

After your accident, it is important to gather as much info as you can before you see an attorney. Take pictures of your destroyed property and any injuries sustained. Be as detailed as possible. As time passes, getting the required pictures might be difficult. Be sure to make backups and store them somewhere safe so you can access them when the time comes. It is also wise to gather all of your medical bills, Xrays, MRIs, and any other medical info you can if an injury was sustained. Getting a note from your doctor who treated you for the injuries is also helpful.

Finding the Right Lawyer

There are many lawyers you can choose, but finding one that specializes in auto accidents is the best route. Some attorneys even specialize solely in 18 wheeler accidents so contacting them can be helpful. Cost depends on the lawyer but in large cases you may pay nothing until you win the case!