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Factors Influencing Speed of Wi-Fi Internet Providers

Many people today use Wi-Fi internet connection in their offices, homes, and businesses. With many Wi-Fi internet providers in the...

M any people today use Wi-Fi internet connection in their offices, homes, and businesses. With many Wi-Fi internet providers in the market, the technology has become one of the most preferred sources of internet connection across the world. In matters internet, it is all about faster connection and reliability, which is why users need to understand clearly factors that affect speed of Wi-Fi connection and other factors related to its speed. Almost everyone using the internet prefers faster connection as opposed to a slower connection. Before you dig deeper into connectivity, you need to ask yourself the question, ‘how fast is a Wi-Fi network?’ To answer that question, users need to understand that speed of a Wi-Fi network depends on several factors. Like many computer networks, Wi-Fi network supports different levels of performance, based on the particular technology standard it supports. Each standard is rated according to the maximum theoretical bandwidth it can support. However, the practical performance of Wi-Fi networks never reaches the theoretical maximums. In fact, some operate no faster than 50% of their highest level. Some of the factors limiting the speed of Wi-Fi internet connection include the following: While Wi-Fi technology is available from different Wi-Fi internet providers, there is disparity between the theoretical and practical performance of the networks. This comes because of many factors including network protocol overhead, radio signal interference, physical obstructions and more. In addition, as more users connect to Wi-Fi network simultaneously, the speed of the network reduces considerably for every user. Again, it is also important to understand that a Wi-Fi connection can only operate at the highest possible speed that both devices involved can support. In home networks, limiting factors include number of users, physical obstructions and other impediments to connection flow. When you become aware of the limiting factors in advance, you can get appropriate advice from the providers whether to install the connection or not. However, with advances in Wi-Fi network technology, it is possible that some of the limiting factors to the network will be dealt with to enable an uninterrupted flow of network.