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Everything To Know About Heel Pain Treatment

The heel is the part of the foot that gets into contact with the ground first. This means that this...

T he heel is the part of the foot that gets into contact with the ground first. This means that this part of the foot is forced to experience a lot of pressure especially when walking or running. Heel pain occurs when the heel experiences a lot of stress and excessive pressure for a considerable duration of time. Heel pain treatment is crucial and essential in helping to alleviate the pain and discomfort. The treatment options vary depending on the severity of the problem.

Structure of the heel

The structure of the heel is quite complex and is made up of a combination of ligaments and special muscles called tendons. When these structures suffer from abnormalities, heel pain usually occurs. If treatment is not sought in due course, the damage can exceed and affect the skeletal structure of the lower leg. Any signs of pain in the heel should be investigated by a certified doctor immediately so as to stop any further damage to the tendons in the foot.

Heel pain

Heel pain can be accompanied by inflammation and this makes the situation worse. To counter the pain and inflammation, one should avoid engaging in strenuous activities such as sports until the symptoms have gone away. Another common treatment option is to wear comfortable shoes or sandals. Footwear that has a good amount of cushioning is definitely the right pick. Placing ice on the affected region after a long day of moving about can also help to relieve the pain. Using ice also helps to reduce the swelling if any. For severe cases of heel pain, one can seek a special medical procedure known as a conformist operation which aims at correcting the damaged structures of the heel. An operation is not something that many people would favor but it is an effective heel pain treatment method all the same. [Photo:]