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Every doctor’s consultation should include a free eye exam

A free eye exam could mean the difference between catching a degenerative eye disease early and possible eye sight loss....

A free eye exam could mean the difference between catching a degenerative eye disease early and possible eye sight loss. It may sound like overstating things somewhat but considering that most eye conditions are discovered only once the problem has ‘taken hold’ thus causing vision problems, then it stands to reason that there is legitimate cause to include a free eye exam when one goes for a regular doctor’s consultation.   There seems to be very little acknowledgement of the fact that the eye is one of the most important senses, such that when one loses ones sight the capacity to get through life conveniently and without hindrance, is completely diminished. Sure, the other senses still allow for a fairly adequate experience of getting around and getting things done, however there’s a lot to be said about the subtleties that vision give you in experiencing life more completely. A picture is worth a thousand words goes the old adage, and without the eyes to see, ones experience is severely limited. As such a regular doctor’s consultation should have an eye exam as part of the visit. And if there are any irregularities detected, then the necessary referral to an eye specialist should follow.   Prevention is better than cure, and in the case of a free eye exam, any irregularities, disturbances or eye diseases that may lead to eye sight loss could be detected early on thus preventing the need to cure severe conditions. Conditions that could very well have been prevented early on.