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Don’t apply for computer science jobs without the skills

In difficult economic times, job applicants tend to apply for any job available, but computer science jobs and other technically...

I n difficult economic times, job applicants tend to apply for any job available, but computer science jobs and other technically specialized jobs require applicants that are duly qualified for the position. There are jobs that look for applicants with a wide array of skills, and in fact many jobs tend not to be pedantic about the skills required; only emphasizing the need for applicants who are willing to learn on the job. However jobs that are highly technical in nature necessarily require employees that have the technical skills that will ensure that the job is executed to specification. That is not to say that applicants who are not qualified with the right skills cannot learn on the job, but it goes without saying that it’ll be a mighty challenge for the applicant who is not technically inclined. And unless the company doing the hiring is willing to put in the financial muscle behind training such an individual as well as hold off on the work they hired that individual for, then the challenge is twofold, and perhaps too much that it cannot be done. Applicants that insist on applying for computer science jobs without the relevant technical experience should rather focus on holding back until a job for which they are qualified comes up. There, they will be a greater asset not only because they can do the job at hand but also contribute to their career growth.