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Determining COPD Life Expectancy

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition that has no cure. COPD life expectancy depends on scores of...

C hronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition that has no cure. COPD life expectancy depends on scores of factors. As its condition grows from bad to worse, a patient finds difficulty in breathing and can pass on all of a sudden. The good news, however, is that a patient can make certain lifestyle changes and adopt a variety of treatment options to relieve the symptoms and increase the quality of life. One of the things that can help a patient increase chronic obstructive pulmonary disease life expectancy is getting an appropriate medical care. Medications such as steroids relieve the symptoms of the disease and open the airways, making breathing easy and the symptoms bearable. One should adhere to the doctor’s prescription since some of the drugs have many adverse side effects and can also reduce the life expectancy of COPD patient. Apart from medication, a sick person can increase his or her COPD life expectancy by taking a hands-on approach to maintaining good health. This strategy includes going through pulmonary rehabilitation and using oxygen when a qualified doctor recommends. In most cases, the process of rehabilitation of pulmonary organs includes nutritional counseling and physical exercises. Oxygen supplementation is only used when the symptoms are too severe, and the chance of losing life due to difficulty in breathing is high. Apart from supporting life and increasing the life expectancy of COPD patients, oxygen makes the patients feel more alert and able to breathe normally. If these options fail to work, a patient can benefit from surgery. This final option involves removing sections of the lungs that are no longer useful. It might follow with a lung transplant. Lung reduction surgery has many risks. But a successful operation promises better results. Prognosis of COPD life expectancy is difficult because lots of dynamics determine the course of the disease. But with appropriate medical care, adequate access to oxygen, pulmonary rehabilitation, and lung reduction surgery, a patient might overcome the odds and life for many years. [Photo:]