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Dealing with A Multiple Birth

Parenting takes on a whole new meaning when you’re expecting to add more than one kid to your nest. A...

P arenting takes on a whole new meaning when you’re expecting to add more than one kid to your nest. A multiple birth carries with it a host of expectation, concerns, questions, and a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s only natural that your excitement will be teeming with a healthy dose of fear and nervousness. Gathering as much information on multiple births including joining and participating in classes for parenting multiples is essential. You could also join a community to learn from the experience of other parents. Your little bundles of joy are likely to check in early. Twins often debut at about 35 to 37 weeks and may not require neonatal care. A higher number will coincide with a much shorter pregnancy term and longer newborn care at the hospital. Premature babies need specialized care until they are strong enough to survive in the normal environment. Although unfortunate, the hospital stay ensures that you take home strong and healthy babies. Having a proper birthing plan is essential for mothers anticipating multiple births. The position of the first baby’s head is a crucial determinant of the most likely delivery method. It the head is down, you can opt for vaginal delivery, even when the other baby is a breech. However, you’d need a skilled obstetrician to pull it off. On the other hand, if the first baby is a breech, then you need to get ready for a C-section delivery.