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Commercial trucks should have their own lanes

We’ve all seen them on the road, commercial trucks driving incomprehensibly fast given their size and cargo or crawling through...

W e’ve all seen them on the road, commercial trucks driving incomprehensibly fast given their size and cargo or crawling through the traffic and inconveniencing the rest of the cars behind them. And even with the inconvenience and potential danger they pose, many motorists feel powerless to influence whether or not they can share the same road with commercial trucks let alone the lanes they occupy.   And it is for these very reasons that commercial trucks should have their very own lanes dedicated specifically to their coming and going. While some have advocated that commercial trucks and trucks in general be precluded from using roads that are frequented by passenger vehicles, this may not be the most feasible solution to the problem. For the roads not frequented by passenger vehicles still have some cars using them. So rather that the roads that commercial trucks currently use have an exclusive lane for commercial trucks so that they do not obstruct the flow of traffic on the road.   There are certainly commercial trucks that are not liable for any obstruction on the road or endangering other motorists. However, it’s better to put measures in place before the situation worsens.