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Commercial trucks parked on the highway are a traffic hazard

Most vehicles are prone to a break down every now and then, and commercial trucks are no different. One often...

M ost vehicles are prone to a break down every now and then, and commercial trucks are no different. One often sees the immobile vehicle on the side of the road waiting for some kind of assistance from either a road assist company or fellow road users. However, commercial trucks pose the highest traffic hazard when parked on the side of the road because of a breakdown – or any other reason for that matter.   A passenger vehicle can easily go unnoticed when parked on the side of the road, but given their enormous size, there is very little chance that commercial trucks parked on the side of the road would not catch the glare of the general motoring population as they drive by. This kind of spectator value, especially during peak hour traffic is one of the primary reasons why traffic congestions take a while to clear. For everyone slows down to have a look at the ‘side show’. And of course these abrupt intermissions in the middle of peak traffic can lead to accidents.   While vehicle break downs can sometimes come unexpectedly, it would be well advised for commercial trucks to take extra care in ensuring a roadworthy vehicle; more than a passenger vehicle certainly.