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Causes and Treatment for Big Toe Pain

There are different types of pains. Some are self-evident while others are a mystery. Big toe pain can be due...

T here are different types of pains. Some are self-evident while others are a mystery. Big toe pain can be due to numerous factors. The cause, however, depends on the symptoms and signs you have. Some causes of the big toe pain may be treatable at home while a majority may need professional help. These conditions occur in a particular area of the big toe. In addition to physical pain is the overall symptom of the big toe.


Bunions are one of the contributing factors in big toe pain; therefore, making it easily recognizable. Bunions are mainly attributed by wearing tight fitting shoes with a heel. This condition is primarily as a result of excessive bone formation or bone displacement. The condition can quickly treat by wearing bunions pads in your shoes. However, other conventional treatments for bunions are; toe straighteners, night splints, toe stretchers and braces. These are effective home remedies.


Gout is another common cause of big toe pain. Gout is a disorder which is mainly inherited. It is a condition whereby the body is unable to deal with uric acid. Therefore, this effect leads to a high concentration of uric acid in the blood. The excess uric acid starts to form crystals in joints, especially in the big toe joints. The pain experienced during this time is excruciating. However, this condition can be easily treated by a change in diet and lifestyle.

Hallus Rigidis

Lastly, hallus rigidis is a condition where the toe becomes very stiff. This is attributed to the formation of osteoarthritis. As much as this condition occurs at a later age, nowadays it commonly diagnosed at an early age. It is caused by wear and tear. This condition is mainly misdiagnosed since it has the same signs and symptoms as bunions. It is important to seek professional medical help before diagnosing it at home. Early diagnosing of hallus rigidis can prevent further damage since this condition is very degenerative. Some of the primary treatments include bunions shoes, orthotic insoles, and physiotherapy and corticosteroid injections. Suffering from any pain is very frustrating especially if the pain is from the big toe. The pain causes sleepless nights and agonizing days. It is important not to try home remedies, as you can easily misdiagnose a problem thinking it to be another. It is always necessary to seek professional help when faced with such pain. Because like we have seen, some conditions are degenerative and therefore require early treatment. Let's live a healthy life free from big toe pain. [Photo:]