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Car tires should be made from indestructible material

With all the marvels and inventions that man has conjured up, it’s surprising that indestructible car tires have yet to...

W ith all the marvels and inventions that man has conjured up, it’s surprising that indestructible car tires have yet to be invented. Well, there is every possibility that the eternal tire has been created, but since that would essentially obliterate an entire industry; we’re pretty much stuck with tires that need constant replacing whether it makes sense or not. But what exactly would be the benefit of a car tire that could never yield to any kind of damage? The most obvious answer to that is the benefit of a significantly reduced car service bill. Since tires are by their very design highly prone to wear and tear, they all too frequently need to be replaced. There’s also the less obvious benefit of reduced road fatalities, on account worn out tires are often identified as one of the repeat offenders in incidents of vehicle collisions. Granted, the car tire industry entirely depends on the guaranteed destructibility of tires, but when one industry becomes obsolete, so another emerges to supply a new demand. It’ll be unfortunate for the companies who have financial interests in the car tire industry, but ultimately, creating indestructible car tires benefits many more than it does key industry players.