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Car rental should come standard with a vehicle service plan

Car rental should come standard with a vehicle service plan because there’s nothing more inconveniencing than having no car when...

C ar rental should come standard with a vehicle service plan because there’s nothing more inconveniencing than having no car when yours have gone in for a service and leaving you unable to move around and get things done. Granted, often the service department will offer a lift from ones residence to work for instance and then from work back to the residence, but what is one to do between those two locations during the day? Considering how our lives are completely overrun by all kinds of errands that need to get done throughout the day, being without a reliable means of transport is distressing to say the least. And unfortunately life doesn’t stop just because one has to take ones car in for a service or repairs. This is why a car rental is absolutely essential when one’s car has gone in for a service, and it stands to reason that the onus for this should be on the car manufacturer that provides the service plan. Whether the cost is weaved into the service plan or is calculated as a separate amount that the car owner has the option of including into the service plan, there should, at the very least, be the option of having a car rental when ones car is not available because it’s been taken in for servicing. Now, whether the car owner is willing to pay the extra cost to have access to a car rental, when their car has gone in for a service, is an entirely separate matter, one that each car owner must decide upon. But ultimately the car owner must have that option available to them in the first place.