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Car Battery Myths and Tips For Purchase

Car batteries are critical to giving the car the necessary electricity for its running. A good car battery should, for...

C ar batteries are critical to giving the car the necessary electricity for its running. A good car battery should, for this reason, give better performance if well maintained. A car owner should put the following in mind when buying a car battery: Car batteries that are highly priced are worth it because they give a high-performance level. Performances like group size must be in line with the price. A battery performs best if the size is bigger and of a high price. The warranty that comes with buying a car battery is another factor to consider. Distributors of car batteries that give warranties are an excellent choice for buying form because any dissatisfaction with the battery they can offer solutions. Look out of for the car batteries that require less attention towards their maintenance to the customer’s convenience. Explanation of common Car Battery Myths. In the market today, there are several misconceptions concerning Lead acid car batteries that need to be examined to avoid having the wrong idea about them. 1. It is a myth that when an individual drives his or her car under different circumstances it will fully recharge it. Although there is a kind of truth in this myth, it is important to note that it will need several hours of constant driving at a very high speed to recharge the car battery. 2. A second myth is that storing a car battery on concrete pavement serves to discharge it. This is not true because currently they are sealed in plastic, unlike old car batteries that were in wooden cases. 3. They have memory – This is the wrong idea of the batteries because they don’t have any memory effect. Aging cells and poor maintenance make them lose capacity. Lead acid batteries work pretty well in cars. 4. In cold nights, it is possible to put the headlights on to warm up the car battery prior to starting the engine. Consumption increases the warming up of a car battery, but it can never be enough to start up the engine. 5. It is a myth that very high capacity car batteries cause damage to the car. A car cannot be damaged by high capacity battery. Every application uses only the amount of capacity of need. 6. A car battery cannot change its polarity on its formation. It is possible for a car battery when unloaded from the car to change its polarity at the first recharge. 7. The seventh myth is that faulty car batteries do not affect starting or loading. Defective car battery can affect the mentioned. Any new alternator, battery or voltage power should be in good working conditions at the time of purchase. 8. During storage, a car battery loses power. This is normal for batteries discharge at an estimated rate of 1-25% every month. A Car Battery is very critical to the functioning of any car. They should, for this reason, be well chosen from the market and be maintained to serve the car owner for extended periods of time.