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Cable TV should offer programs for specific preferences

The marvel that is cable TV cannot be overstated. Here is an invention that allows viewers access to hundreds of...

T he marvel that is cable TV cannot be overstated. Here is an invention that allows viewers access to hundreds of local and international programs, many of them airing live in real time, and with that access the choice of myriad genres from sports programs all the way to music variety shows. Yet even with all this choice now available to television viewers, one can’t help but lament the information overload, or the crippling burden of too much choice. Whoever said too much choice was the ultimate freedom must not have dealt with the paralysis of not being able to make a choice on account of too many options being available. As such it would be best if cable TV packaged programs that catered to very niche tastes and preferences, as opposed to a whole stew of programs from which consumers must wade through. It would be ideal, as a sports fan for example, to only have sports related channels; especially if that’s mostly the type of programming you watch. The same goes for those who watch predominantly news channels, dramas etc. This may seem counter intuitive as far as the whole point of cable TV is concerned. However, cable TV has been around for long enough for consumers to know which programs tickle their fancy and which ones do not. So why bombard viewers with endless programs, most of which they may never watch anyway?