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Cable TV should have programs from more diverse regions

Cable TV allows viewers the pleasure of experiencing a variety of programs from disparate genres, and indeed some from different...

C able TV allows viewers the pleasure of experiencing a variety of programs from disparate genres, and indeed some from different parts of the world. Yet even the programs that are commissioned from abroad cater to very localised tastes and thus the international programs are essentially foreign versions of local programs, such as foreign soap operas whose drama is completely similar to local soap opera antics.

Foreign Programming

This kind of foreign programming does very little in way of experiencing different cultures and the experiences of those from a different part of the world. This is the reason why cable TV should have more programs that are not only from diverse regions but whose stories are entire different from the local stories and contexts. A perfect example of a TV program from a different region which is culturally diverse would be a Bollywood film, wherein the culture and experiences of the films, and indeed programs, are completely unique to any local programs airing on cable TV.

Bridging the divide

In this way, cable TV would be doing its part in integrating different cultures and world experiences. Essentially bridging the divide between all the countries, and experiences of the world, since most people – whether they’ll admit it or not – learn about the world around them through television, and this is a bridge the world needs bridged so we can better understand each other.