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Cable TV should allow viewers to select preferred show season

If cable TV intends on staying relevant in the current TV viewership market, then it had better consider making TV...

I f cable TV intends on staying relevant in the current TV viewership market, then it had better consider making TV programs available for viewers to select according to the season that they wish to watch. The old way of doing things wherein viewers are forced to follow their favourite TV program according to the schedule that cable TV programs choose, is fast coming t o an end and all thanks to new competitors like Netflix. TV viewers now have the option of buying the programs and movies that they want to see and not only that but they also get to choose the seasons which they prefer. This runs completely contrary to the model of TV that cable TV is currently using, which is very prescriptive as far as the programs on offer as well as the program seasons that one can follow. Viewers are increasingly refusing to wait for their favourite programs to get to the season that they want to see, and so they’re forsaking conventional TV channels for options that allow them instant access to their favourite shows and preferred seasons of those shows. This exercise is obviously a more costly one, but fans of all manner of TV shows are willing to fork out the money to see what they want to see and when they want to see it. If cable TV is to remain relevant and not run the risk of losing their market share to the likes of Netflix then they need to have the option wherein viewers can select the season they want to watch for their favourite shows.