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Cable TV offers internet capabilities

Cable TV does more than just provide a scintillating array of programming for viewers; it also happens to be a...

C able TV does more than just provide a scintillating array of programming for viewers; it also happens to be a conduit for home based internet accessibility. Indeed, you can access the internet directly from your cable TV given that you haven’t used up all the channels available on the cable TV. An internet service provider is able to connect ones home internet service such that one is able to access the internet from the cable TV channel which is free or does not have any programming. But why would one want to do this you ask. Well, it’s a much cheaper way of connecting to the internet firstly because the resources are already available. So if for instance one does not have a monitor and doesn’t want to get one but would ideally want to access the internet at home on a medium besides ones phone, then using a TV screen is one such option. Being able to access the internet via cable TV is primarily a matter of maximising ones existing resources, and making use of an internet access option that is cheaper than other options available. If this does not tickle your fancy, there’s still the good old fashioned way of connecting to the internet.