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Cable internet useful if you work from home

Cable internet is a far less popular way of connecting one’s home with the internet, and for good reason. Mostly,...

C able internet is a far less popular way of connecting one’s home with the internet, and for good reason. Mostly, people access the internet via two ways. Firstly via their mobile phones and this is mostly for personal browsing and instant messaging of all kinds. Then there’s internet access from one’s place of work which is the place people spend most of their day. The latter is often quite restrictive as company policies don’t allow certain kinds of viewing.   As a result, the option to access the internet from home becomes an imperative, especially for those who are not only restricted by company policies but those whose place of work is their very6 own homes. These people are in a better position to benefit from cable network, because all they need is an existing cable network, which the service provider then reserves some bandwidth for internet access. It also happens to be a much cheaper option than the other alternatives available for home internet connection.   The only possibly off putting factor would be the slow bandwidth speed, but if you’re accessing the cable internet during working hours, when most people are away from home and at work, then the channel used for internet is not clogged up by the people using it at the same time.