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Cable internet not the best option if you’re after speed

Cable internet is one of those technological phenomena that allow you to use one device to achieve more than one...

C able internet is one of those technological phenomena that allow you to use one device to achieve more than one result. The television signal received from the cable company that provides you with the service allows for a particular amount of bandwidth to be allocated to the video and audio information. Thus one of the channels which use up some of the bandwidth can be used for internet connection.   However, the bandwidth speed is affected by the number of homes in the same area using the same channel for internet access. So for instance, if there are 900 homes in your area that happen to use the same channel for their internet connection, then this will inevitably mean that the speed will be much slower as there are too many users on the allocated bandwidth. This is akin to too many cars using the same highway at the same time; it causes traffic congestion and thus sluggish speed that can only be remedied by fewer users burdening the roads.   So, unless you don’t care too much for the speed of your internet access, cable internet is not the best option for you; rather an option whose speed is not dependant on other users such as wireless internet.