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Bluetooth headphones give you a safer way to engage

Bluetooth headphones offer a safe way of using your devices, whether it’s your mobile phone or a Bluetooth enabled music...

B luetooth headphones offer a safe way of using your devices, whether it’s your mobile phone or a Bluetooth enabled music device. If you’re concerned with the possibility of having your mobile or music device being targeted by criminals, then using Bluetooth headphones is a good option. Using headphones that are directly connected to your mobile phone or music device makes it easy for criminals to target you and your devices; this is because it gives the criminal a clear indication of where the device is located on your person since the headphone cable is clearly leading from the headphones to where the device is. However with Bluetooth headphones there are no cables or wires connecting the headphones to the device, and that means the mobile phone for instance could either be on you or safely tucked away somewhere 30 feet from you. Either way, there is no way for the criminal that hopes to target your phone to know where it is. Granted, Bluetooth headphones are not a deterrent of crime, but they certainly do minimize the possibility of being a victim for the criminal has no way of knowing where to go for the device, or whether you have it on you to begin with.