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Best time of year to go on safari in Tanzania

One of the hottest spots for safari-goers to Africa is the national parks of Tanzania. The best time of the...

O ne of the hottest spots for safari-goers to Africa is the national parks of Tanzania. The best time of the year to go is during the dry season, when mosquitoes are at their lowest numbers due to less rain, and the chance of spotting big wildlife is at its highest. The dry season runs June to October and includes in it some of the biggest migrations in Africa. The migration occurs mainly between June and July when more than 2 million wildebeest, zebras and gazelle move through the Serengeti searching, quite literally, for greener pastures. Animals congregate en masse around watering holes and the variety of wildlife is incredible. The Serengeti National Park is one the best places for spotting the Big 5 as well, and lions, cheetahs and leopards are particularly likely in the SNP. Elephants, hippos & giraffes also congregate here and there are more than 1000 species of birds that call Tanzania home. Safari options are full and plentiful and can range from basic tent accommodation – no air conditioning included! - through to 5-star style ‘glamping’ that can set you back up to $2000 a night. No matter your style of travel, expect to fork out a bit of cash as a safari isn’t a cheap vacation option. Just getting to Tanzania from the U.S. will cost upwards of $2000 in flights and you’re likely to need to budget a minimum of $300 a day per person for your tours and accommodation. There are a multitude of internet forums to guide you through the process of choosing the right options for you and your travel companions. Start by doing a bit of budget planning (including how long you want to be away for and how much wildlife searching you want to do) and then get on to some tour operators for quotes. A great place to begin your research is – the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators. Their website will provide you with a thorough list of licensed tour operators and further information on securing a wild, wonderful and safe African safari!