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Best 2 Year Business Colleges in the US

There are many colleges in the US where you can study in to attain an associates degree in business studies...

T here are many colleges in the US where you can study in to attain an associates degree in business studies in 2 years. With this degree, you can decide to transfer the credits on to a 4 year program or pursue a career in business. Most of these colleges have their preferred universities for students to further their education after they finish the 2 years. Follow me as I give examples of the best colleges you can enroll to get the best education in 2 years. South Mountain Community College (Arizona) At this publicly affiliated institution, you are assured of quality education and upon completion, you may opt to join state universities like Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona among others. Their tuition fees are affordable and range between $5000-10000 a semester which ensures all students get a chance at education and a good career. Coastline Community College (California) Tuition fees here range between $1000-5000 a semester and they offer scholarships for international students. Enrolling here would be a great step towards a great education and successful career with the option to continue education in renowned universities. It's located 30 minutes south of Los Angeles and in near proximity to international attractions like Disneyland. College of Central Florida (Florida) Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, this college is a public institution located in Ocala, Florida. Tuition fees here range from $20000-25000 a year and they offer scholarships for international students. One can pursue further education in top universities after starting at this college. Kirkwood Community College (Iowa) This public institution in Iowa offers quality education and promotes development for students in education and career, even their motto says ‘Start Here, Go Anywhere ‘. They have the most affordable tuition fees in Iowa, $15000-20000 a year. Elgin Community College (Illinois) This college offers quality education at affordable tuition fees of between $10000-15000 a year and they even offer scholarships for international students. After 2 years in this institution, one can seek further education in universities like Illinois State University, University of Illinois and Judson University among others. As you can see, there are many great options for those looking for a two year business colleges. Do your research and pick the best for you.