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Benefits of Recycling Used Tires

Every year, industries generate millions of tires for use on highways. At the same time, the same number of tires...

E very year, industries generate millions of tires for use on highways. At the same time, the same number of tires or more wear out after constant use by trucks, passenger vehicles, planes, heavy equipment, and others. When they pile up in tons, used tires can lead to environmental degradation and occupy a large space suitable for a more productive activity. It is against that backdrop that recycling used tires becomes quite important. However, recycling used tires comes with its challenges. To begin with, tires are bulky due to their weight, which reduces their chances of easy transportation for convenient disposal. Besides, tires are made of different materials, making a safer disposal difficult. Rubber takes a bigger percentage of tire composition followed by steel, carbon black, and other materials. Research shows that most of used tires are used as tire-derived fuel in various industries. Scrap tires are a good source of fuel since they heat at higher degrees and produce low sulphur upon burning. Recycling tires can benefit us in many ways. To begin with, the process reduces pollution and energy consumption. However, the greatest benefit we can get from recycling tires is to generate new valuable materials from the used products. Another potential benefit of recycling tires is to retread them by taking them back to industry, where they can turn into several useful products. Some of the products generated from used tires include shoes, handbags, purses, rubberized asphalt, tire-derived fuel and more. Companies engaged in recycling used tires should work together with communities to ensure that tires are more tires are removed from the landfill. Rubber is also useful as playground mulch, or as roadbed material. The most important reason for recycling used tires is to rid the environment of products that can lead to its pollution. That is why more companies and agencies are coming up to advocate for used tire recycling. Products made from recycled tires such as shoes, handbags, and purses are trendy, fashion-forward, and durable, because of the rubber content. With this idea in mind, the society should uphold the activity of recycling used tires.