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Battling to fathom the relevance of wireless phones

Wireless phones are still a prominent feature in many homes across the country, regardless of the fact that those very...

W ireless phones are still a prominent feature in many homes across the country, regardless of the fact that those very households also happen to have all adult members of the household with a mobile phone at their disposal. And perhaps this is the point of confusion, that with the advent of mobile phones, wireless phones in the house should have been rendered obsolete.   The main reason that a mobile phone renders a wireless phone in the home obsolete is because a mobile phone does everything that a wireless phone does, except to a more efficient degree. The wireless phone is mobile and allows one to move around the premises, exactly like a mobile phone. The wireless phone affords you privacy on account the phone can be taken in the privacy of any room, just like a mobile phone. Save for the fact that a wireless phone cannot be used beyond a certain range outside the home, the wireless phone is for all intents and purposes a mobile phone for the home.   So why, pray tell, do people still insist on keeping their wireless phones when they have mobile phones at their disposal? Whatever the reasons may be, it would be worth the owners of these phones’ while to consider just how redundant having both phones is.