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Home internet providers should offer dirt cheap home line rentals

Home internet providers mostly service clients who have a landline or home telephone. Some of these clients happen to actually...

H ome internet providers mostly service clients who have a landline or home telephone. Some of these clients happen to actually use the home telephone and so for them that cost is not considered to be an ‘additional’ or unnecessary cost. While others have a telephone line but don’t use it for making calls, only for the line rental and they subsequently lament the burden of keeping a line that they don’t use. In order to make the possibility of having an internet service at home more feasible to a wider range of people, home internet service providers should ideally provide home line rentals are so incredibly affordable that the cost of renting a line in order to get home internet service is hardly a financial consideration. There is always of course the option of installing home internet without a home line, but that option often works out to be far more costly than a home line rental is. There will soon come a time when we don’t even speak of home telephones, let alone home line rental for internet, but until that time comes, home internet providers could make the possibility of getting a home internet service much easier by offering home line rentals at a steal.