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Are smarter people more likely to fail their driving test?

Are smarter people more likely to fail their driving test? We will take a look at it here! Do you...

A re smarter people more likely to fail their driving test? We will take a look at it here! Do you feel like you’ve given that cumbersome drivers’ licence test one too many times? Don’t stress yourself out too much. According to a new study, it means you’re a smart person!

Proof Through Studies

A recent study by insurance company Privilege DriveXpert, in which they analysed a sample of 1564 citizens of the UK who had full drivers’ licences, shows that the more educated you are or the higher you are in the career ladder, the more likely you are to fail the first attempt. Out of the people studied, 59% of the people with no qualifications passed the first time round, while it fell to 50% of people who gained GCSEs, 51% with A-Levels and 48% with undergraduate degrees. This fell even lower for the ones with post-graduate degrees, to 47%. Business owners and the people highest on the corporate ladder rank lowest in this regard, with less than 39% of them passing in the first attempt.

Failing Driving Test?

The study showed that it is three times likelier that they took as many as four or more attempts before being able to get a driving license. The creative ones among you will be glad to hear that they apparently take less attempts (1.9 on average) to pass than the more academically oriented ones, those into math and science (a 2.3 average here). There are a few theories as to why this happens. Dr Lee Hadlington, senior lecturer in Psychology at De Montfort University feels that this can be attributed to the fact that people with less qualifications are more likely to have routine jobs, which rely heavily on their motor skills. Some experts have the opinion that people more academically oriented might over-think something as routine as driving compared to the rest of the population. It seems like some sort of cosmic justice to me: a chance for those who found it difficult to pass other tests, to at least pass this one! Even if it’s not, you have an excuse now if you fail your first attempt at getting the elusive drivers’ licence!