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An insurance adjuster is only the messenger

Insurance companies, and indeed the insurance industry in general, is notorious for not paying out, and the insurance adjuster has...

I nsurance companies, and indeed the insurance industry in general, is notorious for not paying out, and the insurance adjuster has become synonymous with the grimm reaper as s(he) ascends upon a property about to do the bidding of his/her master, the insurance company. And while many may be well inclined to shoot the proverbial messenger, it’s best to remember that the insurance adjuster is precisely that, just the messenger. No one relishes the prospect of having an insurance claim nullified or declined by the insurance company, especially when the insurance in question regards ones most prized possessions. But insurance claims do get rejected quite frequently, and all because of the assessment report that is compiled by the insurance company’s representative. There are a number of things that the adjuster may find wrong, or untoward or not above board when assessing the property whose claim is being considered, but certainly the decision of whether or not to pay out the claim is entirely that of the insurance company’s. And sure, the insurance adjuster’s report holds a lot of weight to sway the decision either way. But when your insurance cliam is ultimately denied, you should refrain from going after the insurance adjuster and address the matter directly with the real culprit, the insurance company.