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Airport Car Parking - Online Booking Terms and Conditions

The only way to get a convenient airport car parking space is to understand how the rules work. For most...

T he only way to get a convenient airport car parking space is to understand how the rules work. For most airports you need to book prior. The following are some of the requirements needed to make an online booking in Melbourne airport.

Always check the terms and conditions

Just because you are accustomed to traveling does not mean that you know all the rules the airport has put in place. Many are the times when the airport changes its terms an conditions to match their current needs. Sometimes abrupt changes are made for security reasons. It is important therefore that you understand this and read the terms and conditions carefully before finding yourself on the wrong side of the law.

Online booking is allowed

You are allowed to book a car parking space online. There are different categories that you can choose from namely the premium self park, Business parks, value long parks and long term car parks. The crucial thing is to specify the type of car parking service you need. However, you should be prepared for any eventuality because the airport cannot always guarantee that the online booking services will always be available.

Resale of tickets is strictly prohibited

You must remember that any kind of bookings you make should not be traded. Just because you will not be able to use the space at the time you intended to does not give you the right to resale it. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances, you can call the airport officially and obtain a written consent allowing you to market and resale the space. Failure to follow the right channels could attract unnecessary penalties. You do not want any suspicions falling on you especially with the tight security in airports today.

Purchase and payment terms

The online systems has indicated the price. You should find out the systems of payments recommended. It is only by following the right rules that you will secure the best airport car parking. [Photo: flickr]