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Advantages and Downsides of Free Dating Sites

This article outlines the advantages and downsides of free dating sites. While it may be a preferable option for many...

T his article outlines the advantages and downsides of free dating sites. While it may be a preferable option for many users, it does have its own challenges. To begin with, let us first know something about the benefits it offers. • It is free: this implies you need not pay anything in order to join a free dating site. This is a major advantage if you want to meet someone yet you may not mange the subscription fee on paid dating sites. • It attracts many users: since it is free, the site attracts people from all lifestyles. If you are looking for a vast environment for a dating game, then free dating sites may be the best option. • It is a good testing ground: if you are a new entrant in online dating arena, consider joining a free dating site. It a place you can start sharing your profile and photos and get to know what exactly goes on in online dating. • It is fun and casual: in most cases, dating in free sites is mainly fun and casual, with no strings attached. After looking at the advantages, it is time to look at the downsides. Knowing both sides is a step forward to helping you make an informed decision based on what can work for you. Free dating sites have the following downsides: • It is free: the biggest benefit of a free dating site is also its weakness. Since anyone can join it, it creates a different dating atmosphere, where everyone comes with a different motives and expectations. • It attracts many spammers: while spamming may take place even in paid dating sites, it does happen more in free dating sites. More cut-and-paste messages, as well as fraudulent messages are common in free dating sites. • Subscribers less serious with dating: many people using free dating sites are less serious about dating compared to paid sites. With these revelations in mind, you can make a wise decision about free dating sites.