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A home phone service linked to a mobile phone

If a home phone service is to serve any purpose outside of providing a line for affordable home internet services,...

I f a home phone service is to serve any purpose outside of providing a line for affordable home internet services, then it should be linked to ones mobile phone service. Simply put, if you have a phone at home that works, complete with phone number and regular phone calls; then it would be far more expedient for the home phone service to be connected to your mobile so that you can receive and make outgoing calls from the mobile phone and vice versa. The practical benefits of diverting ones home phone service onto the mobile phone such that one can make and receive calls from the mobile phone are quite glaring. On average most people are away from home more than not, and in the instances when one is away from home but one wishes to call a landline, one could simply activate the home phone service on the mobile so the call can be made. The same is true for incoming calls from landline numbers to one’s home phone. No longer will there be a need to return missed calls on the home phone because those will get redirected onto the mobile. The benefit of applying this vice versa is that should your mobile phone’s battery die and for whatever reason you can’t find the charger or the power is out leaving you unable to recharge, then you can divert your mobile calls and messages to the home phone service. The ability to link both the home phone service and mobile phone to each other is the most practical way to keep a home phone service, which otherwise may end up being redundant owing the reality of mobile phones being more useful.