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A home phone service is only good for keeping tabs on people

A home phone service seems to be only good for keeping tabs on where your significant other is. There was...

A home phone service seems to be only good for keeping tabs on where your significant other is. There was once a time very long ago when you knew exactly where your significant other was at a given time because you would call their home phone and when they picked up you could rest assured of their whereabouts. With the advent of the mobile phone that has all but disappeared, since the whole point of a mobile phone is that it’s, well, mobile. Without a doubt, many people have substituted the home phone for the mobile phone, primarily because it makes very little sense to keep a home phone when you have the more convenient mobile phone at your disposal. But it isn’t impractical when you want to know the location of a significant other. How easy it is to fabricate where one is with a mobile phone, provided the mobile phone isn’t installed with a tracking device of course. However, with just a phone call to a home phone one can know without a shadow of doubt that the person on the other end of the line is in their home and not moving about in locations unknown. Be that as it may, there’s still the possibility that the home phone will remain unanswered, yet that too tells you that the significant other is definitely not at home. So a home phone service can definitely be useful in that regard.