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A free eye exam could help detect other physical ailments

A free eye exam isn’t just for the benefit of detecting possible eye sight problems like whether or not you...

A free eye exam isn’t just for the benefit of detecting possible eye sight problems like whether or not you need glasses, but it may also pick up on physical ailments not related to the eye such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. So in effect getting a free eye exam could actually save your life if you happen to have high blood pressure or are at risk of having a stroke.   While the importance of good eye sight cannot be overstated, there are far more life threatening physical conditions that one needs to be on the lookout for, which an eye exam just happens to be able to detect. Now, one could argue that a visit to the doctor’s office with all its checkups would be sufficient for this. Yet, a visit to the doctor’s office is not free first and foremost, and then there’s the more immediate reality of going to the doctor only when there is something the matter, with any additional checkups leading to an escalating doctor’s bill. Not a lot of people have the financial resources or limitless medical insurance required for this kind of exercise.   Better to make use of a free eye exam in order to not only pick up on any potential ailments that an eye exam could detect, but also save the funds on your medical insurance for more pressing and immediate medical issues.