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A call answering service gives your business the edge

In the highly competitive business environment of the 21st century, getting a call answering service could give a business the...

I n the highly competitive business environment of the 21st century, getting a call answering service could give a business the competitive edge that leaves its competitors trailing behind. This may seem a rather farfetched notion but there actually is validity in the claim and it lies in the idea of a business being constantly available to its clients. Most businesses operate from nine am and 5pm, with all the business transactions of the day taking place between these strict parameters. This is perfectly reasonable, except that there is an entire global market whose time zones dictate that if they wished to do business in the US they cannot always stick to the nine to five time limit. It is this market segment, as well as locals who for whatever reason are able to do business at awkward hours, which businesses can tap into by getting an automated call answering service that can take the calls of these ‘outliers’. So while one’s competitors have ‘closed shop’ for the day, the business with a cal answering service can keep the proverbial doors open. Of course this is assuming one’s business can service foreign clients, but nonetheless even at a local level, having a call answering service could be the edge that a business needs.