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5 must know tips before visiting the Bahamas

If you are planning on visiting the Bahamas, there are a few things to consider. Have a look at these...

I f you are planning on visiting the Bahamas, there are a few things to consider. Have a look at these must know tips before taking off! 1. All of your documents must be in order As you probably know, you’ll need a valid passport to fly to the Bahamas. It must be valid for at least six months after travelling. 2. Traffic rules and regulations The Bahamas follow the same traffic rules as the British, meaning that driving is done on the left side of the road. This might be quite tricky to deal with, especially if you’re new to it and are only enjoying a few days on vacation. 3. Exchange Rates The currency value of the Bahamian dollar is equal to the United States’ dollar. Still, if you pay with Bahamian dollars, your change will be in Bahamian dollars. If you pay with United States’ dollars, your change will also be in that currency. They are prepared to deal with both dollars, so you don’t have to worry about it. Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a souvenir, you can exchange your currency at your hotel or local bank. 4. Protection against the sun You can’t forget to pack sun screen, sun glasses, hats and so on. The southern Pacific sun is a lot stronger and, obviously, you don’t want to burn yourself and spend the rest of your vacations hiding from the sun in the Bahamas! 5. Shots Many exotic countries require a ton of vaccines as a requirement for entry. Not the Bahamas though. Sure, Tuberculosis and Malaria vaccinations won’t hurt, but they aren’t required. Don’t let your fear of vaccines keep you away from the Bahamas!