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5 holidays tours you can do in caravan

Looking for a cheap and exciting holiday? A caravan is perfect to go on holidays, spend a small amount of...

L ooking for a cheap and exciting holiday? A caravan is perfect to go on holidays, spend a small amount of money and enjoy your free time in open spaces. There are many different places where you can go using a caravan. Here there are 5 holidays tours you can do by caravan with family and friends. The first tour we suggest is France. Especially in Normandy, you can visit incredible places in caravan as the valley of Loire with its river and several ancient castles. Normandy is one of the best regions of France and one of the most picturesque. Another tour you can organise is Tuscany in Italy. It is famous because in this region you find lots of art's masterpieces by Leonardo and Michelangelo, wonderful landascape, friendly people and delicious food. Looking for something more adventurous? Try Alaska then! The view is stunning, nature is extremely beautiful and you can swim, fish and enjoy a barbecue with salmon just fished. A must to see! Do you want to enjoy nature, visiting castles and drinking whisky? Go to Scotland and you will have all this and more. Scotland is perfect for a caravan tour especially in Loch Lomond area or the Trossachs. Don't forget to see Loch Ness: can you spot the monster of the lake? Last but not least, Canada. Parks, bears, breathtaking nature and good food. It is perfect for nature lovers and children will enjoy a lot. [Photo:]