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5 Christmas candies we want in our stockings this year

Do you love Christmas traditions? Find out 5 Christmas candies we want in our stockings this year. The following are...

D o you love Christmas traditions? Find out 5 Christmas candies we want in our stockings this year. The following are 5 Christmas candies we want in our stockings this year from Yum Earth Vitamin C lollipops A bag containing 40 lollipops will only cost you $5.15. These candies are non-GMO, gluten-free and organic. The lollipops are also free from common allergens like nuts, eggs, soy, milk, or shellfish. GoOrganic hard candies A 30-ounce bag goes for $11.50 and contains an assortment of apple, cherry, lemon, pomegranate and honey flavors. The candies contain no artificial flavors. Jolly Rancher sugar-free hard candy A bag of the sugar-free sweets costs $12.98 and comes in watermelon, raspberry, apple and grape flavors. Aside from being sugar-free, the candies are also fat-free. Torie and Howard organic hard candy This tin of yummy candies comes in honey and blood orange flavors and only costs $3.09. Each sweet contains just 12 calories and has natural fruit flavors. Jolly Rancher candy canes Each bag of Jolly Rancher candy canes contains 12 candies, and the manufacturer individually wraps each candy cane.  A pack of these sweets costs $8.99 and comes in natural flavors and sweeteners. Flavors include mixed berries, watermelon, and strawberries. If you've never tried organic candies, try any of the 5 Christmas candies we want in our stockings this year above for a healthier alternative.