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10 Best Places to Visit in Italy

Italy is certainly one of the top 5 destinations you must visit in your lifetime. This nation is very interesting...

I taly is certainly one of the top 5 destinations you must visit in your lifetime. This nation is very interesting for many reasons:
  • good food like pizza and pasta
  • fashion
  • the ancient art
The country boasts of being the best in almost everything.

Places to Visit in Italy

Italy offers a magnificently rich array of sumptuous natural scenery and numerous opportunities to get out into nature. Cinque Terre, Sardinia, and the Dolomites all boast incredible landscapes and fantastic hiking routes. You could spend your time in this culturally rich land learning about the lives of the Romans, discovering the destruction caused by Mount Vesuvius at Pompeii. Or simply lazing alongside one of the many Italian lakes and languishing in the opulence of the Amalfi coast. Naples is the place in southern Italy where your favorite spaghetti and pizza originated from. It is also well known for its historical spots and nightlife. Milan is one of the most shining cities of Europe. This metropolitan city is the hub of the latest fashion trends and more modern in its outlook and approach. The Italian Lake District stretches across Northern Italy. The southern ends of most of the lakes are relatively flat but the northern ends are mountainous as the lakes reach deep into the Alps. Garda is the largest lake and offers stunning scenery. Como is equally stunning, with forested slopes rising directly from the water’s edge. Further west, Maggiore is less popular yet just as beautiful. The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is an autonomous region of Italy that also includes several smaller isles.  Expect lots of ancient monuments and temples and Mount Etna, the tallest active volcano in Europe. Italian Riviera. This narrow coastal strip is a great place for tourists. You would love the rugged cliffs. Don't forget to head off to the popular Cinque Terre there.

Other places to visit

Italy offers so much to see and do that it would take a lifetime to explore. The Amalfi Coast is situated in Italy’s southwestern region of Campania. It is prized for its picturesque coastline that features:
  • shimmering bays
  • craggy cliffs
  • lemon tree gardens
  • multicolored villas
  • ritzy resorts.
One of the most romantic and posh towns along the Amalfi Coast in Positano. Pompeii is a famous Roman city which was buried under several feet of volcanic ash for nearly 1,700 years after the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. The site is located near the modern city of Naples. A tour of Pompeii offers a fascinating insight into the everyday life of the ancient Roman world. Venice is one of the most romantic cities of the word. It is connected by beautiful bridges and gorgeous canals and is known as Tuscany conjures images of beautiful rolling hills, olive groves, vineyards, and cypress trees. Wine in Chianti, hill towns such as San Gimignano or exploring Renaissance art in Florence. Whether you’re an avid wine lover or just want to relax in nature, you can’t come back from Italy without visiting Tuscany. Rome is famous for its history. It is the capital of the Roman Empire and the capital city of modern Italy, Rome can be romantic, ancient and modern at the same time [Photo: flickr]