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10 amazing things you didn't know about your iphone

  Times have changed and mobile phones have become incredibly powerful and helpful devices. In fact, it's hard to walk...

  Times have changed and mobile phones have become incredibly powerful and helpful devices. In fact, it's hard to walk down the street or take public transport without seeing dozens of people staring down at their phones. If you are an iPhone owner, you most probably already know about many of the incredible features it has. However, chances are you there are at least 10 amazing things you didn't know about your iPhone that you are going to find out about right here: 1. Most people become really impatient when they have to charge their iPhone and they wish the process could be much faster. If this is your case, and you don't want to turn off your device whenever you have to charge it, simply put it on airplane mode and you will realize how much faster it charges. 2. Making a mistake while writing an e-mail, editing a picture or simply texting is extremely common. If this happens to you often, simply shake your iPhone and you will get a pop-up allowing you to edit what you just did. 3. Are you a big fan of little shortcuts to make your typing experience faster? Then you will like this one. Whenever you want to wirte a period and add a new line, double-tap on the spacebar. 4. Many people would like to go to bed and fall asleep while listening to music but they don't want their iPhone to be playing music during the whole night. Well, just set a timer for it! Click on the Clock app and then on the Timer button and select how long you want the music to play for. 5. Do you like to take pictures with your iPhone? Then you most probably already know this trick. By holding the volume up or volume down button when your camera is open, you will take a picture. 6. Another trick for photo lovers! If you want to take various shots in just a few seconds, hold down the capture button while taking a picture. 7. If you tend to text a lot and you want to know the exact time in which you either sent or received a text message on your iPhone, simply slide the text over to the left and the time will appear on the right, next to the message. 8. Do you tend to use the vibration mode of your iPhone a lot? Well, if you would like to get different types of vibration for different callers just go to Settings, then Sounds, Ringtone, Vibration and, finally, to Create New Vibration. You will be able to set different types of vibration for different contacts. 9. Have you noticed that your iPhone is running slow lately? Then the best thing you can do is delete stuff on it until you have at least 2GB of space free and you will feel it working as if it was brand new. 10. Would you like Siri to have a male voice? Then simply go to Settings, then Siri and scroll down until you find the 'Voice Gender' option. There you will be able to change it and make Siri become a man. Those are 10 amazing things you didn't know about your iPhone. Now grab it and start playing around!